Archive for Announcements

[Release] Spotweb Filter Creator 0.6.0

Spotweb Filter Creator 0.6.0 (Windows/Linux) has been released.


  • Added more subfilters
  • Built with Qt5 libraries
  • [Windows] Installer package made with Inno Setup

Downloads for Windows and Linux are available at the Spotweb Filter Creator project page.

[Release] WLAN Hosted Network Manager 0.2.1

A small but important update for WLAN Hosted Network Manager has been released.

The previous version 0.2.0 contained x64 Qt dependencies while it was built x86. This resulted in a fatal error when starting WLAN Hosted Network Manager.

The packages have been updated with the correct Qt dependencies.

Downloads are available here: WLAN Hosted Network Manager

[Release] WLAN Hosted Network Manager 0.2.0

Today, WLAN Hosted Network Manager 0.2.0 has been released.

This release contains an auto-start feature that allows you to automatically start the hosted network on startup of WLAN Hosted Network Manager.

Simply said, the Start button is pressed automatically.

To use this feature, add the command line option -a to the executable.
The easiest way is to make a shortcut and change the target field.

e.g. Target: “C:\Program Files (x86)\WLAN Hosted Network Manager\hostednetwork-gui.exe” -a

Downloads are available here: WLAN Hosted Network Manager

Project Downloads Available Again

After making some modifications, all project downloads are available again :)

The downloads are now hosted local instead of external.

Thank you for your patience.

Project Downloads Temporarily Unavailable

The download URLs of the Projects on this website are temporarily unavailable, due to an upgrade of a WordPress plugin.

The issue will be fixed soon.

Sorry for this inconvenience.
Thank you for your patience.

Bitcoin Donations: Buy me a Beer

Hello there, lately I started to dig myself into the world of Bitcoin. I started reading articles/tutorials about this digital currency to find out what’s it all about.

Because I am interested in new technologies and applaud innovations, I am excited to see where this all ends.

As of today, I have added a Bitcoin Donate button on my blog. If you are enjoying the software tools I have made and published, feel free to send a (small) Bitcoin donation. By clicking the Bitcoin donate button in the sidebar, you’ll see a pop-up window containing the Bitcoin address, ready for you to copy/paste in your Bitcoin Wallet software.

If you also like the idea of Bitcoin and it’s possibilities and want to “buy me a beer”, go ahead! :-)



Welcome to BrainByteZ!

This blog will mostly be focused on tech/geek/gadget/programming stuff.
I have developed/programmed some applications myself which I will blog about and share soon.

The applications I have made are developed with Qt, and last week I developed a small Android widget.

My posts will be written in English and Dutch (mixed), it depends on the post.
The layout of the site may change over time, it is still very much under construction.

Thank you for visiting BrainByteZ and see you soon! :-D