Archive for April 2013

Litecoin Donate Button

While reading stuff about Bitcoin, I learned that Bitcoin is not the only virtual currency out there. There are many more virtual currencies available, and one of them seems to be Litecoin. At the time of writing 1 Litecoin (LTC) is worth about $2,14 USD according to CryptoCoinCharts.

If I am informed correctly, mining of Litecoins on your consumer-PC should be easier than Bitcoins these days.

Quote from

One of the aims of Litecoin was to provide a mining algorithm that could run at the same time, on the same hardware used to mine bitcoins. With the rise of specialized ASICs for Bitcoin, Litecoin continues to satisify these goals. It is unlikely for FPGA or ASIC mining to take over Litecoin until the currency is widely used.

I was looking for a Litecoin donate button, but couldn’t find one that fast. So I started Photoshopping, and made one myself based on the Bitcoin donate button.

Litecoin Donate Button

Litecoin Donate Button

Feel free to save this picture/button and post it on your own blog/website by right-clicking and selecting “Save image as..” or something similar. :-)

Update: To create a working button from this image, add the following piece of javascript to your blog/website. You only have to modify the fields <put your Litecoin address here> by replacing it with your own Litecoin address, and the URL to the button image src=”./litecoindonate.png” with the path to the button image on your server.

Credits go to homepage of Leo Bogert for designing this snippet :-)

Bitcoin Donations: Buy me a Beer

Hello there, lately I started to dig myself into the world of Bitcoin. I started reading articles/tutorials about this digital currency to find out what’s it all about.

Because I am interested in new technologies and applaud innovations, I am excited to see where this all ends.

As of today, I have added a Bitcoin Donate button on my blog. If you are enjoying the software tools I have made and published, feel free to send a (small) Bitcoin donation. By clicking the Bitcoin donate button in the sidebar, you’ll see a pop-up window containing the Bitcoin address, ready for you to copy/paste in your Bitcoin Wallet software.

If you also like the idea of Bitcoin and it’s possibilities and want to “buy me a beer”, go ahead! :-)